Social Outreach

St Joseph’s College, Hassan being a Jesuit Institutions insits upon Social concern as main Charechersitcs of it’s education. The college helps the students to become responsible citizens of the society. The college also has the standards set aside to social outreach.

Social outreach of the college is carried out by the three main clubs namely


Center for Social Concern(CSA)

National Service Scheme(NSS)

These clubs help the students to become responsible citizens by conducting various social outreach program such as Visits to the orphanage, old age home, cleaning the campus and outside, planting of trees etc.

The center for Social Concern takes up to teach the students of Government Primary School, Kattihalli with the 21 st Century Skills by our students. This initiative helps the students to become aware of the various dimensions that is present in the society,

These activates instills in the students to care for our fellow human being and understand the social problems that exist in our society. Students in these clubs develop the desire to be close to the society by rendering their help and become caring persons of the society.